Sunday, June 7, 2009

Girl Teasing My Nose

My freshman year I attended a catholic school. I rode on a short bus (no we weren't slow) every day to and from class. This girl named Carly had heard I smelled one of her friends feet and took it upon herself to intiate such an event with her. I was the only guy on the bus and the rest was 4 other Freshman girls and Carly. She was a tall brunette. Out of the blue she takes off her shoes and dangles them in the aisle 2 seats ahead of me. She had been wearing blue knee high stocking-socks and an old pair of black pumps she wore daily. All the girls ahead of me began complaining telling her to put them away. Then all at once it hit me. The smell immediatly summoned an incredible boner. Mind you, we were in a very small bus and even the female bus driver pulled over and got out for some fresh air. I was a little embarrassed becuase I knew exactly why she did this but I didnt think she knew about it.

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